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Naji Naaman Literary Prizes

Naji Naaman Foundation for Gratis Culture (FGC) announced that competition for Naji Naaman literary prizes for 2025 (23rd picking season) is already open. Prizes will be awarded to authors of the most emancipated literary works (in content and style) aiming to revive and develop human values.

Literary manuscripts (thoughts, poems, stories, etc.) of 40 pages at most, in all languages and dialects, typeset, with the curriculum vitae and an artistic photograph of the author, should be sent to Maison Naaman pour la Culture (by e-mail: [email protected]) before the end of January 2025. Manuscripts written in languages other than English, French, Spanish, or Arabic must be accompanied by a translation or résumé in one of the abovementioned languages. Prizes will be announced before the end of June 2025. Works (in full or in part) published in the free-of-charge prizes’ yearbook will become (only for the aforesaid publishing purpose) the property of the publishing house.

Laureates will bear the lifetime free-of-charge honorary title of member of Maison Naaman pour la Culture (MNAC).

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(23rd picking season)

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Written by Khanh Phuong

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