
Poem by Jeanette E. Tiburcio Márquez

Malinche’s Blood

By: Jeanette E. Tiburcio Márquez

Poetry dedicated to Maestra G. Hortensia Rosas Pineda, author of Codex Malinche, and to Dr. Concepción Quiróz Téllez, Executive Secretary of the Juan Rueda Ortíz Academy of Letters.


Malinalli, princess of Veracruz,

In your roots the strength, 

From your father the power

the science of stars,

exemplary governance due to its great scope.


More anger in your mother

Weakness and lust,

Betrayal of the Devious Belly

who clothed you with repudiation and curse.


Malín, small, Malinali Tenepoalti

Your father is dead, obsidian sacrifice,

Your friend, your guide, your protector

From life it is snatched,

And your author, splashes you with shame, 

By selling you they enslave you,

Flower trodden on, used girl,

Mere carnal toy.


Your lineage has been stained, 

They turn you into flattery,

They transform you, jasmine flower, 

Now you’re crooked grass

Innocence and youth, little jade,

Overshadowed by sheer grief

who imposed on you an eternal mantle.


Silence of reflection, 

Gold also splinters, 

Jade also breaks

Quetzal plumage also loses its colors.

And even your mother throws you into the jaws of the jaguar.


Malinalli, child mother,

Gift of conquest,

Enslaved, attacked, repudiated

They take your son away from you, 

They make him cross other seas

And then they’ll bring it back 

But he does not know your belly.

“The eagle of prey, devouring the flower of the cactus.”


Child Mother, you carry the weight of history

From your fragility, only one woman, and more than a woman

Just a girl, and more than a girl…


Malín, Malina, Malinalli, Malintzin, Malinche, Marina… 

By Iberian baptized, 

Magnolia and chocolate stop and destination.

Seeker of justice, woman of faith

Transformed with the spiritual key.


Malinalli, your intelligence and beauty

They can’t be questioned, 

Embroiderer of the new story,

You managed to capture the languages,

From princess to slave, 

From slave to souvenir,

From Merchandise to Translator, 

From translator to stage manager,

And to govern the vice-queen.


Conquered, thou hast conquered him who was master of masters, 

Chief of magical beasts and brave soldiers, 

Your thirty years of life have been judged for centuries

With firm severity. 

Let us be careful not to make more judgments.

Claim to your name

Princess Servant.

The worst of all? Or the first of many?

New History: Of Struggle, Rapture, Pardon and Vindication.


Malinche’s blood, blood of forgiveness,

You shod your mother, your brother in gold

What a yoke and bondage they dictated upon you,

In a hug of integrity, you showed us 

How a woman who did not judge has been judged harshly,

But his life he dedicated,

In the gallant search for a new homeland 

Of freedom and forgiveness.

La Malinche by Will Orozco
Jeanette E. Tiburcio Márquez

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